In 2016, Jon Bernthal marked his entry into the Marvel Cinematic Universe by portraying the contentious Marvel vigilante in Season 2 of Daredevil on Netflix. This success led to a spinoff dedicated to his vigilante, which ran for two seasons before the show's cancellation coincided with the conclusion of the streaming platform's contract with the studio.

Confirmed in March 2023, Jon Bernthal is set to reprise his role as The Punisher in the upcoming Daredevil: Born Again series for Disney+. Notably, his return as the third character reprisal from the Marvel Netflix era, joining the ranks of fellow Daredevil stars Charlie Cox and Vincent D’Onofrio.

Jon Bernthal maintained a sense of mystery regarding his role in Daredevil: Born Again. However, he conveyed a strong assurance to fans, emphasizing that if he were to return, it would be approached with a dedicated effort to get it right and honor the character properly.


I think there’s a reason why that character has resonated as deeply and strongly as he has. In the hearts and minds of comic book fans and first responders and people in the military and people all over the globe. I think there’s a little bit of Frank Castle in everybody. He exists very strongly inside me and I care about that character deeply. I also know that it’s absolutely essential that if we do it, we do it right and we have real sacred integrity to the source material and to what is at the core of Frank. I’m gonna do my absolute best to make sure that, if and when we do it, we do it right.”


The Punisher could be returning to Disney Plus — with Jon Bernthal as the  lead | Tom's Guide

The details surrounding Jon Bernthal's portrayal of the Punisher in Daredevil: Born Again are currently unclear. The series is set to revolve around Kingpin's bid for the position of New York City Mayor. Yet, if the narrative explores the vigilante side of the story, it may require pushing the limits of the TV-MA rating to maintain authenticity in depicting the character's actions.

The confirmed cast includes Jon Bernthal as the Punisher, along with Sandrine Holt, Margarita Levieva, Michael Gandolfini, Nikki M. James, and Michael Gaston. They will join Charlie Cox, who portrays Matt Murdock, and Vincent D’Onofrio, reprising his role as Wilson Fisk, aka Kingpin. As the storyline remains undisclosed, anticipation builds around how these characters will intertwine in the upcoming series.

As of now, all three seasons of Netflix's Daredevil, along with the two seasons of The Punisher, are available for streaming on Disney+. However, there is no confirmed release date for Daredevil: Born Again.