Netflix premiered the first half of Zack Snyder's two-part Rebel Moon story in 2023, only to be met with a slew of negative reviews upon its release. "Rebel Moon," a two-part space opera, serves as a passion project for writer-director Zack Snyder. The film stars Boutella as a former soldier who assembles warriors to combat the menacing Imperium threat endangering her farming colony.
In a recent Vulture interview, Sofia Boutella discussed the negative reviews for Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon. While she expected criticism, some reviews overwhelmed her, leading to sympathy for the production team. Nevertheless, she expressed pride in her role in the movie.
I always thought that I was fully armed to take on those punches, and then I read the critics that came down on Rebel Moon and it really affected me. And I’m just gonna be honest about it. I feel like I’m carrying it for everybody that cared so much about this project, and that’s what affected me. Not the way I look. If anything, I’ve been pretty lucky and people like my work in it, but the movie was criticized. It really affected me for all of those who put so much heart, tears, and sweat in this project. It’s hard to see something being demolished to that extent. I’m proud to have been part of it, and if there is no more Rebel Moon, it will be a very important part of my life that I will defend forever."
In the Rebel Moon reviews, critics praised Snyder's visual style and the universe he established for the franchise. Boutella seemed to have a positive experience. She also discussed her collaboration with Zack Snyder, emphasizing what she finds fulfilling about working with the director.
Boutella shared that Snyder permitted her to deviate from the script, and she hinted at a significant upcoming moment for her character in Part 2: The Scargiver. She explained, "The beauty of working with Zack is that he allowed me to go there."
She further reflected, "I watch the film now, and I’m like, [Sighs.] ‘Did I do too much? Did I try to make a meal out of it?’ In movie No. 2, you find out something about her past that for me was fun to go through, but I did not know how to forgive the character. Like, how do you keep on living with yourself? … she carries a massive, massive guilt that needed to show."
With Netflix's substantial investment in the franchise, Snyder's sci-fi epic receives a hopeful outlook. The strong foundational world-building sets the stage for The Scargiver to potentially offer a more inviting storyline following the setup in the first movie.
Currently on Netflix, viewers can enjoy "Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child of Fire." Part Two: The Scargiver is slated for release on April 19, 2024. Director Zack Snyder has hinted at R-rated director's cuts for both installments, expected to debut in the Summer of 2024.